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The Descubriendo el amor de dios project is the most important proyect in my life.Love and God are one, and I found this out in this experience. But it's not only about love and God: it's also about sharing! Sharing with others all the things you learn in your journey of finding out about love. It starts from a heart full of expectations, but ends with a happiness that makes you eager to share your new understanding with people who will be able to receive it, even if they can't give what you need back. Here is how I feel today: "You have enormous impact through your words." And because of that, generosity should accompany everything we do. The text is an answer to these questions:Very interesting, good explanation. I like also the images. I have to admit that if this work was a book, it would have been a best seller. I got immediately inspired! The use of graphics and images makes you feel immersed in a good way. Even a love letter could have been a book, but this is much better!Listening to your story made me remember my childhood and the values that should be reflected in all our lives: happiness, love, sharing, hospitality... It's not always easy being human being but being able to go through difficult moments with the love for God has been very important for me. I liked the way you speak about your project and also I really love the images, it gives a more professional touch to everything. I'm very pleased with the book because it has been a pleasure to read. I'm going to send it to my friend because I think he too will like it.One of the things that most strikes me in this project is its generosity: making available, through technology, all these great contents for you and everybody else... A wonderful idea! Giving is one of my priorities, so this work is able to capture where I am in my life. I like that in this book you managed to show the beauty and the immense power of love and God. I think that all what you did to make this book come to life is great. It shows us how much we can achieve with a bit of hard work, dedication and faith. This is a great example of how it is possible to use technology for something good, not bad. This work has been extremely interesting and inspiring! I could not stop reading it until the last page, thank you for having created this nice thing. I think it's a very good idea to leave a legacy in this world, even if it's a small one. A great book that shows how love can change your life completely! I love this project because when you read it, it makes you feel happy and excited about your life.
The ideas presented in the book are simple and interesting. In addition, they are 100% available to everyone in the world. There is no need for money, just the willingness to do something good and not be selfish. It doesn't cost us anything to share with other people our ideas and feelings, so we should do that.
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